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Case Analysis 代写:独特的环境
2017-05-08 00:31

Case Analysis 代写:独特的环境
The outdoors offers a unique environment, which is very different from the indoors. It offers space and freedom to try things out, to explore and experiment without the constraints associated with an indoor environment (Tovey 2007). Some opportunities for learning can only happen outside. The experience of a change in the weather, finding insects, making a large-scale construction/painting - all of these motivate children into mental and physical engagement, and can only be done outside. In fact, all learning goals can be achieved outside while the children's health and well-being are also being boosted. Outside children can run fast, shout and squeal and find out what their bodies and voices can really do (Ouvry, 2008). Space is more open, less confined and the greater space; the more unrestricted the movement possibilities. Indoors is space where adults are in control, but outdoors as fewer restrictions, where children can escape the controlling eyes of adults (Stephenson 2002).The four main thinkers of early childhood towards the curriculum, advocating outdoor provision as essential for children's learning and development are; Friedrich Froebel, Margaret McMillan, Susan Issacs and Maria Montessori. “These four all held the view that a young child is first and foremost a whole person, with thoughts, feelings, and imagination that need to be cared for and cherished” (Curtis 1986. P.5).They all believed in a child-centred approach and free-flow play. Young children are motivated and wish to learn, they don't have to be sat at a table quietly
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