堪培拉教育学作业代写 贫困对儿童的影响

2020-11-24 23:38

贫困对身体健康的影响与儿童的心理健康和自尊直接相关。它开始于父母没有正确地对待他们的孩子。由于父母在家庭中压力很大,他们经常拿孩子出气,甚至忽视他们。“这些压力源会增加父母出现心理健康问题和药物滥用的风险,这会降低他们参与积极育儿实践的能力,”(Hodgkinson, Godoy, Beers, & Lewin, 2017)。当孩子的父母自己陷入困境时,他们不会为孩子树立一个好榜样,常常忽视他们。这种忽视会进入孩子们的大脑,让他们处于一种可怕的精神状态,甚至会导致抑郁。“这个反动的状态似乎成为根植到在生命的早期儿童面临的问题导致两大参与危险行为,如未成年酗酒和吸毒…更重要的是大脑的这个备用线路可以另外导致青少年心理健康问题的风险增加,包括抑郁和焦虑,“孩子的工作孩子玩耍。当孩子们消耗掉不良能量时,就会转化为他们每天如何照顾自己。在学校里,孩子们的长相很重要,这会影响他们的自尊和人际关系。这常常导致孩子们感到尴尬或羞愧,因为他们不能像其他孩子一样负担同样的奢侈品。例如,有条件的孩子每天都能表现得很好,而那些贫困的孩子却不能。这会给孩子造成不良的心态,并对他们的自尊和社会交往造成很大影响。“……如果儿童成长过程中家庭仍然贫穷,反社会行为随着时间的推移会比生活在从未贫穷家庭或后来脱离贫困家庭的儿童严重得多,”(“长期贫困影响儿童的心理健康”2006年)。孩子们可能会发展出反社会行为,这将使他们在试图与他人建立牢固的联系时倒退得更远。儿童和青少年在学校的反社会行为会造成人际关系问题和紊乱,这可能阻碍他们心智的成长。
堪培拉教育学作业代写 贫困对儿童的影响
 Poverty’s effects on physical health directly correlates with children’s mental health and self-esteem. It starts with parents failing to properly parent and treat their children. Due to parent’s high stress levels in the household, they often take it out on their children, or even neglect them. “These stressors can increase parental risk for mental health problems and substance abuse, which can diminish their capacity to engage in positive parenting practices,” (Hodgkinson, Godoy, Beers, & Lewin 2017). When children have parents that get into trouble themselves, they do not set a great example for their children and often neglect them. This neglection gets into children’s heads and can leave them in a terrible state of mind, which can even lead to depression. “This reactionary state seems to become hardwired into children who face problems early in life which leads to both greater participation in risky behaviors such as underage drinking and drug use… What’s more this alternate wiring of the brain can additionally lead to increased risk for mental health problems in adolescence including depression and anxiety,” (Childs Work Childs Play). When children feed off of bad energy, it translates into how they take care of themselves everyday. The way children look matters a lot now in school, which can affect self-esteem and relationships. This often leads to children feeling embarrassed or ashamed that they cannot afford the same luxuries as other kids. For example, while more privileged kids can afford to present themselves well everyday, those in poverty cannot. This creates a poor mindset for a child and can take a large toll on their self-esteem and social interactions. “…if the home remains poor as the children grow up, antisocial behaviour becomes much worse over time compared to children living in households than are never poor or later move out of poverty,” (“Long-term Poverty Affects Mental Health Of Children” 2006). Children can develop antisocial behaviors which would set them back even further when trying to create strong bonds with other people. Antisocial behavior in school among children and teens creates relationship problems and disorders, which can stunt their growing minds.
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