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澳洲堪培拉作业代写 领导层
2020-05-29 00:05

澳洲堪培拉作业代写 领导层
Walmart Inc.’s leadership has helped the company to transform into the retail giant that it is today. Dough Mc Million, the company leader has used a wide array of factors to enhance and maintain high performance. The participative leadership at Wal-Mart has led to the involvement of all stakeholder and thus have made leadership everyone’s business in the company. The leader’s ability to identify the right sources and bases of power and influence has led to the tremendous growth of the company.As an ethical leader Dough Mc Million has ensured that there is fairness in employment opportunities and remuneration to all employees in the company. This business administration savvy by profession has seen the organization using leadership traits such as practical and creative intelligence into the creation of sustainable solution to everyday problems the company faces. Thus the values and personality of Mc million has enabled him to effectively use credibility and yet be effective at the same time.The company’s leader uses remuneration and tangible and intangible benefits during the follower’s motivation process. Employees who are motivates are empowered and have high levels of satisfaction which is a great benefit to the organization. These employees have ownership of the company projects, the maintain high levels of customer service and they are more willing to go an extra mile as far as performance. This positively impacts the departments and teams they belong to. When employees are happy and productive, this positively reflects on the leadership performance and the company becomes the preferred place to shop by customers. Walmart has seen changes in leadership and aspects such as ecommerce being introduced but because of good leadership employees were trained and adapted to the changing environment without Wal-Mart losing revenue and their customer base.
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