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2018-02-25 13:11

These knowledge structures (schemes) can be prepared, changed, add to or developed through two processes of "assimilation" and "accommodation". Assimilation occurs when a child perceives new objects or events in term of existing scheme ; in other words, within information the child already knows. Accommodation occurs when existing schemes are modified to adopt (or fit in) a new experience or information. If the new information doesn't fit or it conflicts with the existing scheme then the disequilibrium occurs. Equilibrium, however, is the master developmental process which encompasses both assimilation and accommodation and prepares for the child' transaction from one state of the development to the next. Piaget' stages of development are: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operations and formal operations.Sensorimotor stage is over the period between the birth to two years. During this stage, the child experiences the world around him through the senses and movement. The child develops "object permanence" which refers to "the ability to understand an object exist even if it is not in field of vision Toward the end of this period, children begin to mentally represent object and events but to that point they only can act and during the transaction to the mental representation, they may use simple motor indicators as symbols for other events. They also begin to understand that their actions could cause another actions developing a "goal-director behavior"; for an example, throwing a toy from the cot to make parents pick the toy and pressing the doll button to make the sound and so on.