
2019-01-19 17:41

最后的界限是种族。这个术语的意思是,种族是指将一个社区联系在一起的共享文化认同感。它被用来区分一个社区和另一个社区,可以作为社区之间的集体行动和冲突的基础。种族是教育中的一个问题,因为许多来自不同种族的学生成绩不佳,其中大多数是男孩。数据显示,进入学前班时,英国白人血统的孩子在认知技能(语言和非语言)方面的平均得分最高,巴基斯坦孩子的得分最低。将父母的教育程度和职业地位因素考虑在内,可以减少民族间的得分差异。孟加拉国、黑人和巴基斯坦学生在早期关键阶段的表现不如其他学生。这三个民族的学生在义务教育结束时也往往成绩较差,这些民族中完成高等教育(如学院和大学)的百分比甚至更低。“只有37%的少数族裔学生获得了第一或第二以上学位,而白人毕业生的这一比例为53%”。(National Statistics, 2001)少数民族学生学习成绩不佳是因为他们在学习方面处于劣势,因为他们可能不会说英语,或者只会说很少的英语。来自不同民族的学生可能有不同的学习方式,他们的文化可能不同于英国的文化,也可能不同于英国的教学方式。
The final boundary is ethnicity. What is meant by the term, ethnicity refers to the sense of shared cultural identify which binds a community together. It is used to distinguish one community from another and can be the basis for collective action by and conflict between communities. Ethnicity is an issue within education because many of the pupils from ethnic groups are underachieving, and most of them are boys. Figures shows that on entry into preschool, children of White UK heritage have the highest mean score in cognitive skills (verbal and non verbal), with the lowest scores being recorded for Pakistani children. Difference in scores between ethnic groups are reduced when the factors of parents’ educational and occupational status is taken into account. Bangladeshi, Black and Pakistani pupils perform less well than other pupils in the early key stages. Pupils for these three ethnic groups also tend to achieve significantly less well by the end of compulsory education and the per cent of these ethnic groups completing further/higher education such as college and university is even lower. “Only thirty – seven per cent of ethnic minority students get a first or upper second degree compared with 53 per cent of white graduates”. (National Statistics, 2001) Students from ethnic groups are underachieving because they are at a disadvantage when it comes to learning because they may not speak or only speak very little English. Students from ethnic groups may have a different type of learning and their culture may be different to the culture in England also the way of teaching in England.