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澳洲代写assignment 高层管理人员
2016-12-27 14:22

澳洲代写assignment 高层管理人员
In addition, the top management and the leadership within an organization that determined the basic organization's culture. They shape the basic organization's culture by creating and fostering shared organization's vision that are implemented by the procedure known as organization's culture and organization's structure (Redding & Gordon, 1990). In this regard whether an organization will follow centralized structure or decentralized structure are determined by the type of leadership within an organization rather than by the national cultural factors of the region. In addition, the informal relationships between members of the organization are determined by the organization's culture rather than national cultural factors (Tayeb, 2003).This in turn means that whether an organization practiced the concept of uncertainty avoidance will be based on the unique organization's culture rather than the national cultural factors (Sohmen & Levin, 2001). This is due to the fact that the organization's culture has been designed on the basis of either individualism or collectivism. For example, Apple that has accomplished remarkable success in the personal computer and personal music market has been dominating due to its unique organizational culture that has been designed on the basis of creativity and innovativeness and the firm's is dominating due to fostering such values (Sheh, 1993). The ex-CEO and cofounder of the organization Steve Jobs has essentially designed the organization's culture on the principles where member of the organization are encouraged to take initiative and some calculated risk to accomplish the long-term goals and objectives. Due to this reason, some of the remarkable innovations in the industry are associated with Apple that has been contributing to the success of the organization and the firm is successfully realizing its long-term goals and objectives. Unlike the national cultural factors, the organization's culture at Apple has been designed with the view that encourage member to take risk (Entrepreneurs, 2011)
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