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2017-05-31 00:35

Even though the military government claimed that there is no poverty in the country, but there are many un-met needs present all over the countries. Especially after the natural disaster of cyclone Nargis hits to Ayeyarwaddy division and then to Bago division, Yangon division and Mon division on 2nd and 3rd of May 2008, the situation of poverty become more worsen in these area. Yangon city, which is former capital of the country with most vibrant economic opportunities, become the place for the people from Ayeyarwaddy division to migrate to start their new life as they cannot survive in the natural disaster hit area. Most of the families from this disaster area move to the area called Hlaing Thar Yar Township which is one of the mid-ways between down town Yangon and the Ayeyarwaddy division. Hence all the people who are in extreme poverty are now concentrated in this township. And the children from this township are facing the consequences of all the poverty related problems in their daily life.According to the United Nation Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), a child is defined as anyone whose age is under 18 years. But locally, according to Myanmar child law, a child is defined as any one whose age is less than 16 years of age and age between 16 to 18 years is termed youth . And both UNCRC as well as Myanmar child law already clearly mentioned the basic rights of the children for their best interest for the development both physically, mentally and spiritually. But when there is a very serious condition of poverty present for them, all these basic rights are affected resulting in the abnormal development and eventually loss of their life.