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奥克兰护理学代写 疗法的有效性
2020-02-26 02:14

奥克兰护理学代写 疗法的有效性
To recognise the effectiveness of Person-Centred Therapy, a trial in 2002 over a five year period, 1098 clients had received therapy that strongly suggests it is effective, according to CORE-OM (i.e. a generic measurement) and given the returns of questionnaires with ninety-percent (988) said to have found the therapy useful and sixty-nine per-cent (737) reported that their feelings and emotions were better or far better than they did before receiving Person-Centred Therapy; the results gives evidence that not only does it work for mild to moderate issues (e.g anxiety and depression) but also to those with more moderate to severe mental problems over a longer duration (Gibbard and Hanley, 2008). Other cases of a client experiencing Social Anxiety Disorder (i.e. a fearful condition as a result of other significance) had participated in twenty sessions of PCT, using the form of therapy from Carl Rogers (1951, 1957 cited in Stephen, Elliott and McLeod, 2011). This client was reluctant, but over the course of therapy there was a change in client’s behaviour because of the empathy and acceptance from the therapist had allowed the client to feel safe and have the willingness to engage with the therapists (Stephen, Elliott and McLeod, 2011).However strong evidence may be, there are disadvantages to this approach. Person-Centred Therapy does not have any specific technique or specific guidelines that are applied that may be useful for every day situations, as the counsellor themselves use their skills to consider what they feel is more appropriate to discuss (Clarke, 1994 cited in Gatongi, 2007), because it is not a goal-oriented approach (O’Hara, 1995; Vitz, 1994 cited in Gatongi, 2007). Another reason this could be at a disadvantage. It is very difficult and seen almost impossible to achieve; to offer total unconditional positive regard to clients (Liestaer,1984; Clarke, 1994 cited in Gatongi, 2007), and if this were possible it could still lead to the client being dysfunctional (Gatongi, 2007), and this dysfunctional behaviour is what makes way for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, which is more goal-oriented towards a plan of action to produce a change in clients.