
2019-12-15 21:03

原来的城镇容纳了当地社区和他们的传统市场,却被殖民地的城市规划者忽视了——出现了糟糕的住房结构,没有提供卫生、排水、污水和固体废物管理基础设施和服务。[12]中国英语学习网加纳1957年独立时,后殖民时代的国家政府没有解决这个问题。虽然中央商务区和豪华的欧洲住宅区由国家政府控制,但它们是为企业家精英和那些有政治影响力和关系的人保留的。当地居民仍然被限制在高密度的无计划地区,条件不健康。像Nima和Sabon Zongo这样的地方吸收了大部分在阿克拉寻找就业机会的非正式移民定居者,并成为了著名的贫民窟社区。另一方面,当地最大的传统市场马科拉市场(Makola market)也向区外扩张,随着当地小企业的进驻,造成了拥堵。这对已经很差的固体废物管理系统造成了压力。20世纪80年代,加纳实施了世界银行和国际货币基金组织的结构调整计划(SAPs),也对固体废物管理系统产生了负面影响。自由化计划提高了阿克拉的住房成本,并将居住在贫困地区的人们分配给拥挤的住房,这些住房缺乏基本的卫生设施、排水系统以及固体废物管理服务和基础设施。最重要的是,在阿克拉期间,SAPs引入了固体废物收集的直接收费,而大多数低收入和非正规社区无力支付。这种情况目前普遍存在。
The native town, which accommodated the local community and their traditional market, was neglected by the colonial urban planners— poor housing structures emerged, and sanitation, drainage, sewage and solid waste management infrastructure and services were not provided.[12] When Ghana gained independence in 1957, this situation was left unaddressed by the post-colonial national government.Though the national government took control of the CBD and luxurious European residential areas, they were reserved for the entrepreneurial elite and those with political influence and connections. The native citizens were still confined to the high density unplanned areas with unhealthy conditions. Places like Nima and Sabon Zongo adsorbed most of the informal migrant settlers seeking employment opportunities in Accra, and became noticed as slum communities. On the other hand, Makola market, the biggest traditional market in the native town expanded beyond the district and created congestion as small local businesses moved in. This exerted pressure on the already poor solid waste management system.In the 1980s, Ghana implemented the Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs) by the World Bank and IMF, which also had a negative impact on solid waste management system. The liberalisation programs raised the cost of housing in Accra and confided people living in poor areas to congested housing with lack of basic sanitation, drainage and solid waste management services and infrastructure.Most importantly during, the SAPs introduced the direct fee charging for solid waste collection in Accra and most low-income and informal communities couldn’t afford to pay.This situation currently prevails.