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2019-12-09 02:37

Corrupt actions are often rationalized by those who perform it. Two forms of corruptions that are partly susceptible to such rationalization are noble cause of corruption. In case of Myanmar, corruption induces performing actions for good end. Given the goal motive, this form of corruption is highly susceptible to rationalization. Unfortunately such actions notwithstanding the good motive are tainted. In particular, although the person who performs such actions might believe that he/she is doing what is right; this belief is a mistaken one The action is morally wrong. In contrast, Iraq is operating in Trans cultural and religious setting which is often finds it easy to rationalize away their engagement in corruption by invoking arguments, such as ” When in Rome, Do as Romans do”. When one is operating in an environment in which one has, so to speak, no moral stake, such arguments can be tempting. This is especially the case if the condition conducive to corruption, for example, power imbalances, are in play. Unfortunately, the rationalizations for corruption that arise in transcultural setting do not in fact justify it .What values are needed to complement the system in Myanmar and Iraq or other corrupt nations? Obviously, a comprehensive answer is outside the scope of this paper. However, a core syndrome needs to be identified and focused on. That syndrome will include rationally decision making that leads to action which is effective in achieving purposes which it is intended to achieve. Important decisions of dubious rationality, or neglect of rational ones, are often made even if no corruption may have been intended The recurrent disasters involving seagoing vessels and loss of lives and property in the burning of discotheque place and hotel in recent years in these nations are at least partly results of lack of rationality in decision making.
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