
2018-05-25 17:05

在学校里有很多关于自闭症儿童的问题,在提到他们的特点的最上面,教师对残疾的理解以及他们与ASD的孩子一起工作的能力对ASD的孩子有很大的影响(Batten,2005;里德,2005)。一个患有自闭症的孩子“走到饭桌前面”。一位站在旁边的老师告诉他不要“闯入”。学生变得焦虑,但不动。老师坚持说学生不能“插队”。这个学生变得越来越激动,打了老师”(Batten, 2005, p.94),这个学生因为他的行为被学校开除了,而这种行为将会导致学生无法管理和理解这种社会状况。为了避免被学校、学校和学校的学生排除在外,学校的管理人员和工作人员可能需要用足够的知识来装备自己和学生,以合适的方式处理这种情况。这可能是通过培训员工的技能和态度来理解ASD,以及如何处理自闭症患儿在任何情况下如何在课堂上和在社会情境中如何表现(Batten, 2005;里德,2005)。这可以促进他们的学习,克服他们在主流学校可能面临的障碍。
There are multiple issues relating to include children with autism in school, In the top of what have been mentioned about their characteristics, teachers' understanding of the disability and their capability to work with children with ASD has a significant impact on including children with ASD (Batten,2005; Reid,2005). An autistic child "goes to the front of the dinner queue. A teacher standing nearby tells him not to 'barge in'. The pupil becomes anxious but does not move. The teacher insists that the pupil must not 'jump the queue'. The pupil becomes more and more agitated and hits the teacher'' (Batten, 2005, p.94), This student was excluded from the school for his behaviour, whereas, this kind of behaviour would be as a result for the student's inability to manage and understand this kind of social situation. To avoid exclusion for children with ASD from schools, Schools managers and staff may have to equip themselves and their students by sufficient knowledge to deal with this kind of situation in a suitable way. That may happen by training the staff skills and attitude to understand the ASD and how to deal with children with autism in any situation and training the student in how to behave in the classroom and in a social situation (Batten, 2005; Reid, 2005). This could promote their learning and overcome the barriers they may face in mainstream schools.