
2017-11-01 22:39

Drama is one of literary works besides novel and poetry. Drama not only offers the reader an imitation of life but also helps them to understand the life, because life that is drawn in the drama is the reflection of society. All drama deals with some sort of problem, but the term ‘problem play’ refers to those plays concerned with specific social problem. (Peck,1947:88). From that quotation, shows that every play contains with some problems. In order that the reader can conceive contains of the play. Every problem is different, but all problems related with social problem that often occur in daily life. According to Drama A Pocket Anthology that Aristotle has relatively little to say about the theme of a play, simply nothing that “Thought of the personages is shown in everything to be effected by their language. Because he focuses to such a large degree on the emotional side of the tragedy-its simulation of pity and fear-he seems to give less importance to the role of drama as a serious forum for the discussion of ideas, referring his readers to another of his works. Theme, the central idea or ideas that a play discusses, is important in Greek tragedy and in the subsequent history of the theatre. (Campbell, 2004:13). Thus, it means that the theme of a play can be seen in personages language. The theme is the important thing to be discussesed in a play especially in Greek tragedy and in subsequent history of theatre.