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2017-10-09 00:04

Another criticism which has directed Piaget’s theory is that the impact of social environment and cultural factors in child’s cognitive development were paid small attention by Piaget (Costello & Westman, 2001:138). Cultural and life pattern has more effect than Piaget thought on cognitive development. As an example, nomadic tribe does not interest in counting objects. Thus nomadic children learn conservancy of figures later than in Western culture (Franzoi, 2011:237). Another illustration of this the children in Hausa tribe in Nigeria do not know about conservation principles, because families in this tribe send their children to the school in early age (Fahrmeier, 1978, cited in Martin, Carlson and Buskist, 1997: 513). Although the impact of cultural factors on the rate of cognitive development was admitted by Piaget, the contemporary science of developmental psychology has found that culture has a great role in child’s thinking as well (Gauvain, 2001; Rogoff, 1998, 2003, cited in Shaffer& Kipp: 280). At the same time Piaget neglected social interaction among individuals in cognitive development (Shaffer& Kipp: 280). Interaction with peers, family members even whit teachers led to develop children understands. Piaget sometimes mentioned the influence of social environment and he did not ignore it at all (Kail, 2012:181). He believed that social interaction assists children to avoid egocentric tendency. However he did not find how social interaction assists child’s development (Fleming, 2004: 30)