
2017-07-26 13:36

根据英国文化协会的研究,在1992年颁布的《进一步和高等教育法案》中,35名(35名)前理工学院和其他高等院校获得了大学地位。从2001年到2013年,创建了31所大学。在英国有一百六十六个拥有学位授予权的机构。到2011年,社区和私立学校都有了扩张。据英国文化协会估计,到2011年,已经建立了1600个(1600)个机构,包括250个其他高等教育学院和其他高等教育的私立学校。在这种扩张中,伦敦管理教育学院(LSME)就是其中之一。私立大学被称为私立大学,为弱势群体提供了获得高等教育机会的机会。由于教育成本高昂,越来越多的私立大学不足以为弱势群体创造机会。2010年,政府对高等教育体系的改革为学生提供了机会,让他们可以通过学生贷款公司获得学生贷款。奥克兰assignment代写:文化协会的研究.贫困人民的改革提供了一个机会的英格兰和威尔士访问通过学生贷款的学费每年六千英镑(£6000)。伦敦管理学院(London School of Management Education)等学院开始通过培生(Pearson BTEC)提供更高的国家文凭。更高的国家文凭是一种与工作相关的职业高等教育资格证书,使其能够在就业市场上获得就业。HND的设计和交付集中在英国雇主需要的技能,以满足英国经济的所有技能短缺。
According to the British Council Institute, by the enactment of Further and Higher Education Act 1992, thirty five (35) former polytechnics and further and higher institutions gained university status. From 2001 to 2013, thirty one (31) universities were created. There were one hundred and sixty six (166) institutions in the UK with Degree Awarding Powers.  By 2011, there was an expansion of institutions both community and private. It is estimated by the British Council Institute that by 2011, there was establishment of one thousand six hundred (1,600) institutions, including two hundred and fifty (250) other further education colleges and the alternative (private) providers of higher education. In this expansion, London School of Management Education (LSME) is one of them. The alternative providers, known as private colleges offered opportunities for peoples of disadvantaged background to gain access into higher education. The increasing number of private colleges was not enough to create opportunities for the underprivileged groups due to the high cost of education in the. The 2010 reform of higher education system by the government offered the opportunity for students of alternative (private) Higher Education providers to gain access to the student loan through the Student Loans Company.  This reform provided an opportunity for the underprivileged peoples of England and Wales to access tuition fee through student loan of up six thousand (£6,000) pounds per year. Colleges such as London School of Management Education embarked on providing Higher National Diploma (HND) through Pearson BTEC. Higher National Diploma is a work-related vocational higher education qualification that enables holders to be employable at the job market. The design and delivery of HND is focused on the skills required by UK employers to meet all the skill shortages in the economy of the United Kingdom.