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Arts Assignment代写:欧洲艺术爆炸
2017-03-17 01:14

Arts Assignment代写:欧洲艺术爆炸
It was into the unprecedented European artistic explosion of new ideas which modernism heralded and the fusion of different, often competing styles which this entailed that Antoni Gaudi stepped into when he began to make a name for himself in his native Catalonia during the second half of the nineteenth century. Crucially, Gaudi came from a manual, creative family of coppersmiths established in Reus in Catalonia, which grounded the young architect in the core skills needed to sculpt and design large scale, artistic projects. As Raymond Carr (2001: 215) notes, “he [Gaudi] drew on local craft traditions, especially ironwork.” This combination of Catalan cultural tradition and the innate skills of the manual workforce conspired to bequeath Gaudi with the requisite attributes to become an architect. Moreover, they would (in addition to Gaudi’s fondness for nature and the inspiration that this provided for his art), become a recurring theme in the exposition of some of his finest and most mature pieces of work. The upshot of the architect’s instinctive understanding both of the different properties of the materials that he used and of the natural forms which inspire all truly great pieces of art constituted[1], in conjunction with the pervasive sense of modernism sweeping across the European continent at the time, the raw materials for the commencement of a glittering and revered artistic career.
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