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阿德莱德代写Assignment 成本回收计算
2016-12-15 05:36

阿德莱德代写Assignment 成本回收计算
In this article, the WACC, NPV method, IRR method, payback period, sensitivity analysis and risk analysis are used to examine the feasibility of the project. Of the first WACC part, we calculated the weighted average cost of capital was 5.6376% and it shows it is good in the market. And in the NPV method,we calculate the net present value for ten years was 104.11 which is positive and shows that the project should be accepted. IRR was calculated as 6.739% which is higher than WACC, so the project can be accepted. However, the payback period was 7.77 years. It also calculated the NPV before 8 years are negative,so it means it might spend too long time for payback. Because the firm has already had lots of investments during the first three years, the size of the project with so much investment for 100 outlets and long period payback time should be reconsidered. It means that the project can be accepted showed in the previous three methods but the size of the project, for example, the number of KSTOs to be built can be cut down a little bit. From the chart of the sensitivity analysis,it shows that the NPV of Sales revenues and cost of goods sold are quite sensitive. Thus, a change in sales revenues cost of goods sold can be considered to increase the net present value of the project when the project is applied. The company can try control this two parts.It can improve its products quality and increase price of the products to increase more income.For the cost of goods sold,it might also can reduce the cost of the production.The company can try to cooperate with suppliers with the low price material and also try to fund their own products and factory to reduce the cost.It can also try to employ high quality talents instead of employing too many unmotivate staffs. The risk analysis shows how the company can reduce it risk and use secenario analysis to analyse a few variable factors of the company.But showed that normal result of reality, the result is not help it to decide the project good or bad.
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