澳洲阿德莱德assignment代写 精神分裂症

2020-07-15 22:49

这项研究(Hiemstra al et, 2018)旨在研究精神分裂症的遗传易感性如何与药物使用模式相关联。据推测,精神分裂症的风险在女性中相关性更强,而年龄的增加将与药物滥用率的增加成正比。参与者将是在纵向研究设计中自我报告其药物滥用情况的中学生。在2005年至2012年期间,参与者填写了一份自我报告的问卷,问卷内容与他们的药物滥用有关,评分系统为1到5分(每天5分),同意的参与者将提取DNA进行分析。研究人员预测,随着年龄的增长,实验结果将反映这一假设;在青少年中,吸食大麻等精神药物的人数将会增加,随着这种趋势的发展,精神分裂症的患病率也会越来越高,女性患精神疾病的风险也会增加。精神药物是任何类型的药物,可以阻碍他们的主人的清醒和他们处理思想、情绪和区分可接受的行为的能力。这些不仅仅是非法药物,还包括非处方药,如锂,它与躁郁症有关。在青春期早期,许多年轻人开始使用毒品,如酒精和大麻。2018年之前的早期研究表明,精神分裂症与吸毒有关。人们普遍认为,青少年使用大麻与精神病症状的早期发作和此后恶化的预后有关,这些症状主要出现在家庭精神分裂症风险升高的个体中。这表明大麻与遗传倾向的强化有关。
澳洲阿德莱德assignment代写 精神分裂症
The study of (Hiemstra al et, 2018) aims to investigate how a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia was associated with a pattern of substance use. It is hypothesized that the schizophrenic risk would be more strongly associated in women and that increased age would be directly proportional to increased rates of substance abuse. The participants will be secondary students who self-report their substance abuse over a longitudinal study design. Participants between 2005-2012 took self-reported questionnaire in relation to their substance abuse with a rating system of 1 to 5 (5 being every day) and those who agreed got their DNA extracted for analysis. It was predicted that the results would reflect the hypothesis by concluding that with age; taking psychotropic drugs such as marijuana will increase amongst adolescents and with this trend, tendencies for schizophrenia will also become more prevalent and that females will have an increased risk of potential psychosis.Psychotropic drugs are any types of medication that can hinder the sobriety of their host and their ability to process thought, emotions and differentiate between acceptable behaviour. These are not just illicit drugs, this also includes over the counter prescription drugs such as lithium which is associated with bipolar disorder. During early adolescence, many young individuals start using drugs such as alcohol and marijuana. Earlier studies prior to 2018 had shown an association of schizophrenia with drug use.  It is widely held that adolescent cannabis usage is associated with an earlier onset of psychotic symptoms and a worsened prognosis thereafter They appear predominantly in individuals with elevated family risk of schizophrenia. thus indicating that marijuana is connected to the intensification of genetic predispositions.