
2018-06-06 15:11

属于这一范畴的人通常会使用非审美的术语来描述艺术,然后必须由艺术世界的一个成员来解释或指导,以达到全面的理解。起初,一个人做出非审美的判断“有时是正确的”(Sibley 475),然而,这不是一个知识问题,而是一个猜测。没有成为艺术世界的一部分,使他无法沉浸在正确的术语中,以及潜在的意义和后果。如果他的现实受到他的语言的影响,情况可能就不是这样了。Sibley声称,它是评论家的工作指导这个人启蒙之路,通过“点non-aesthetic特性”,“提到的品质[他][s]人们看到,“(Sibley 475),最终将讨论,有一个链接non-aesthetic和审美。这一过程可以被视为对艺术世界文化的一种诱导,也是塑造新人现实的一种手段。
People falling into this category will often use non-aesthetic terms to describe art, which then must be interpreted or guided by a member of the artworld in order to reach a comprehensive understanding. Initially, a person making a non-aesthetic judgment “sometimes says the right thing,” (Sibley 475), however, this is not a matter of knowledge, but rather a guess. Not being part of the artworld has prevented him from being immersed in the correct terminology as well as the underlying meaning and consequences. Had his reality been shaped by his language, this might not be the case. Sibley contends that it is the job of the critic to guide this person down the path to enlightenment, by “point[ing] out non-aesthetic features”, “mentioning the very qualities [he] want[s] people to see,” (Sibley 475)and eventually brings the discussion to a point where there is a linking of both non-aesthetic and aesthetic terms. This process could be seen as an induction into the culture of the artworld, and a means to shape the reality of the newcomer.