
2017-04-14 00:26

This reluctance to appear too firm on issues where women themselves disagree meets with a similar embarrassment in international development and rights discourses which often results in a reluctance to challenge minority cultural practices on the basis of rights. The ‘westernising’ effect of individualist human rights, as compared with the ‘group rights’ advocated by some non-Western scholars, has been criticised and to an extent rejected in some contexts as neoimperialism on the part of the dominant developed nations. Faced with the relative lack of power of instruments such as the much-reserved CEDAW and the relative paucity of female voices from minority groups advocating change, compared with the weight of power and argument supporting minority-friendly practice, it is difficult to see how things will change. The power of international law to promote and enforce individual human rights for women, particularly those belonging to minority groups protected by international law whose cultures may silence them as a matter of course, is therefore seriously compromised.This may have serious implications both for women and for their cultures. However, it can be argued that those who decry the enforcement of individual rights based on a notion of collective rights to preservation of culture are seeking to entrench that culture, rendering it static and incapable of change.