新西兰nursing代写 护理实验

2020-02-09 03:55

新西兰nursing代写 护理实验
 The materials used in the above experiment included a metric ruler, 6 test tubes,  test tube rack, marking pen, test tube holder, beaker, Benedict’s reagent, and hot plate. Fasting serum samples were collected from the mesenteric arteries, hepatic portal vein, and hepatic vein while postprandial samples (after eating) were collected from the mesenteric arteries, hepatic portal vein, and hepatic vein.The test was not quantitative in nature and was thus used to compare the relative quantities of glucose in serum samples by observing how quickly the reaction occurred and degree of change in color. Serum samples were placed in tubes and were heated by Benedict’s solution. A water bath was then prepared. At the same time a metric ruler was used to mark off 6 tubes at 1 cm and 2 cm from the bottom to indicate the volume of serum and reagent which was to be used in the experiment. All the tubes were marked according to the blood vessels they came from and from the appropriate samples before and after eating. All the tubes were filled to its required levels before and after eating. Each tube was labelled accordingly with the serum on the first mark. Benedict reagent was then added to the second mark. The three postprandial samples were then simultaneously heat in a water bath and the time taken for the color changes were recorded after 3 minutes. The three fasting samples were also placed under the same experimental conditions. Benedict reagent changes from blue (negative) to yellow, orange then to red as glucose were noted as glucose levels increased in the samples. The Benedicts reagent used was then disposed in the appropriate waste jar after all experimental procedures were carried out.