
2017-03-31 00:30

From a management perspective, the adaptation of the technological sector to such a specific topical pursuit will require proactive and additive management skills over the coming months. The blog must continue to evolve along with the reader base in order to ensure that material remains interesting and important in the scope of Galician activities. Enlightening the population is simply not a strategy that can be employed in blog creation. Linking and encapsulating inhabitants according to their interests and the availability of new technology data is a measurable and strategic task which can be actively managed. Therefore, this study will investigate the viewer demographics, specific patterns of readership, and online feedback as means of quantifying success.As has been highlighted, the target audience for the first creation of this blog will be the inhabitants of the Galician province. Through their inclusion in these efforts, specifically targeted data streams can be introduced into the blog and linked to a variety of online networks for greater exposure. While it is impossible to predict the number of viewers which could be gained by the specificity of this technology analysis, viewer retention or reasons for loss will be the key variables that are analysed in this study. Over the course of the blog creation, upload, and tracking, this project will evolve and expand to develop a broader audience of readers, many of which should be linked to the Galician participants. Pursuing active feedback throughout this process, reader support will allow for greater adaptability and more regimented changes. The underlying strategy is to gain as broad of a reader base as possible while remaining specific within the primary objectives of creating a technology and innovation blog that highlights Galician advances.